Scalar Energy was discovered in the 19th century by a Scottish Scientist, James Clerk Maxwell. November 27, 2022. When scalar energy coil is used in a wrist watch, the proliferation of lymphocytes is increased to 75 percent than without the coil. Finally, all life is energy. If we dont, our technology will eventually end up being our downfall. Tune Spooky 2 Scalar, then sit or lie between the transmitter and receiver. First, it is more area like than wavelike. In other words, wearing scalar energy pendants and using scalar energy products can protect your DNA from damage. The standard unit used to measure energy and work done in physics is the joule, which has the symbol J. Scalar energy has a variety of different properties which make it different from other energy sources. Like work and potential energy, the standard metric unit of measurement for kinetic energy is the Joule. #section_1915038843 { These scalar waves, also called Tesla waves or Maxwellian waves, are said to be the mechanism of zero-point energy. -40% Until recently, the ideas behind many . The energy level of every single cell in the body is increased to the ideal 70 to 90 milivolt. Scalar energy was first discovered many years ago, but it has largely been forgotten since. What is the Scalar Energy Pendant Made From? Quick View The energy, work, and entropy associated with the engines are also scalar quantities. There are, moreover, heat and worki.e., energy in the process of transfer from one body to another. Anti EMF Stickers for Phone and Computer Round Dot, EMF Blocker Sticker scalar waves to aid in the relief of various symptoms, you can neutralize the Tom has developed a remote treatment process using a scalar instrument that improves spiritual & physical well-being and offers a ground-breaking approach to health and healing. What is Scalar Technology Dr. Kathy Yeo negative effect of lowered cellular energy levels. The effects os a scalar energy pendant are quite visible and lasting, which puts it among the most advanced energy healing forces. It creates a field of energy systems that are alive. Breathing in slowly and with the rhythm 6-3-6-3 where you breathe in 6 counts, hold your breath 3 counts and exhale 6 counts. Tesla found, while experimenting with violently abrupt direct current electrical charges, that a new form of energy (scalar) came through. Homeostasis is a condition of equilibrium, the dynamic range of balance where the bodys systems operate together while also resonating at their optimum. Would you like to experience the flow of scalar energy? Studies Scalar energy increases the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body as verified by spectrographs. Scalar Energy: What it Is and How to Heal with It. Some scalar energy pendants contain lava and more than 70 minerals integrated by volcanic heat. Another unit of energy you may have come across is the Calorie. Scalar Qi works to remove this debris from the area, giving you a clean slate to establish healing. Partner with a unique company that cares we only sell to individual stores and doctor offices. We are a human and water being, therefore the quality of the water present in the body is very vital to our health. Eating is similar to throwing coal in a furnace. This means the waves are identical physically but in terms of time they are out of phase. Weight Optimization: Your First Step Towards Healthy Life. You can wear the pendant every day; this enables the scalar energy to continuously treat the bodys water. body. Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. All rights reserved. your immune system as well as aid in natural healing. It is renewable, free, and always available. This same technique is applied in scalar pendants which make these pendants more wearable during a healing session or just normally during the day to feel more vibrant and energized. psionic machines use crystals to propagate scalar waves. would not exist without energy. A lack of sunlight brings on this widespread type of depression during the winter. Balance out the two hemispheres of the brain as measured by EEG tests. Delays the aging process and prevents red cells from clumping. What are energy and work? (article) | Khan Academy While there are many forms of healing energy, today we will discuss scalar energy pendants and its uses. Scalar energy differs from normal hertzian electromagnetic fields in several characteristics. Unfortunately, it has been discovered that some of these items include dangerous substances. Elite Shungite Pyramid Protection | Authentic from Karelia with Carbon Fullerenes Optimize human scalarenergy and you also optimize your wellbeing. The conventional definition of scalar waves is that theyre made by a set of indistinguishable (or replicant) waves (generally known as the wave and its antiwave) that are in phasespatially, but out of period temporally. (For the mathematicians and physicists among you looking for a much more complete investigation of how Maxwells equations show both vector magnetic potential and scalar electric potential, check out NASAs Learning Technologies Project site.1). This energy field is static. The exact same electricity thats used by a chiropractor or a physical therapist to stimulate your muscles and encourage healing with a TENS machine is the same electricity thats used in prisons to execute individuals in electric chairs. This will destroy every living cell, bacteria and all germs so the body falls down like a limp rag, not even decaying in even 30-45 days. (And well detail every single one quite briefly. Ideally, yes. This will be a fun little field trip with no pop quizzes. Scalar energy consists of circles of energy that radiate outwards in a balanced network. infused products or scalar technology, contact us at (866) 625-0087 today! Increase mental focus and brainwave coherence. The severe level of weariness, sorrow, and attention problems brought on by this life-altering disorder can affect relationships, productivity, and relationships in general. The bodys cells are energized and overall, the body is encouraged Need to contact us ? When Tesla died, he took the key of scalar wave propagationwith him andit took nearly another full century before science was once again able to provethe presence of scalar energy and turn to an exploration of its own potential. Scalar Light is the animating life force of all spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical activity in the Universe. Scalars are described by real numbers that are usually but not necessarily positive. The Essence of Scalar Energy. scalar, a physical quantity that is completely described by its magnitude. Do not even think about attempting to comprehend these equations. relief for a variety of ailments. The water will become nano-clustered and energized, and thus becoming good quality water for the body. Even the complex network of collagen between cells can carry a charge. The Energy Enhancement System TM (EESystem TM) generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including "scalar waves" which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels. Negative ions help to neutralize the positive ions, thus reducing the free radicals. Example: Speed is a scalar quantity, but velocity is a vector that specifies both a direction as well as a magnitude. By harnessing the frequencies of scalar energy, the medical field has seen remarkable relief for conditions such as arthritis, depression, muscular and joint pain, and overall body dysfunctions. The shield can help neutralize artificial frequencies of up to 60 Hertz, by enhancing the bodys natural defense system against radiation. There is no bad Scalar Energy. How Scalar Energy Products Affect Your Health, How To Ensure Your Scalar Energy Pendant Is High-Quality, At certain periodicity, viruses and bacteria can be destroyed when scalar energy is applied, It speeds up tissue regeneration and accelerates wound healing, Hydrogen bonds of DNA are strengthened by increasing the energy This is with AcuGraph testing. Scalar energy also is known as zero-point energy, first discovered by Nicola Tesla in the 18th century. E refers to the electric field. With the impending arrival of winter come a number of unpleasant health issues. Scalar waves exist even without the presence of wires and crystals. The fields produced by Spooky2 Scalar are strong. These improvements in endocrine and immune systems from the study of scalars in vitro were found by, Benefits of Drinking Scalar Energized Water. The more you use, the greater of an effect The scalar quantities include most of the thermodynamic state variables involved with the propulsion system, such as the density, pressure, and temperature of the propellants. Thats to say, both waves are physically indistinguishable, but totallyout of period when it comes to time. But forget all of that. You can use the scalar energy pendant to energize or charge your water by putting it under your tumbler or a glass of water. -50% Such include levels of radiation stemming from cell phones, TVs, PCs, microwaves and other electrical devices. By restoring the bodys energy balance, the pendant helps to maintain well-being and health. It would help stimulate healing from any physical problems. Scalar energy also increases cellular energy for trillions of cells and overall body energy levels, and nullifies the harmful effects of man made frequencies. Mbdisc are not intended to be used in the cure, treatment or prevention of disease in man or animals. This is significant because covalent hydrogen bonds is what holds your DNA together. By combining this energy with holographic technology, the thermal temperature of the body is altered through acupuncture meridians in the body. Compared to the physics of kinetic energy, which travels in a one directional wave, scalar energy's motion is that of a vortex. Scalar energy resides in the vacuum of empty space, such as spaces between the atoms or tissues in our bodies. An Energy Pendant featuring Quantum Scalar made from Japanese Volcano comes with 2500 Ions, a Authenticity Card, and an Imported Box Packing that guarantees safe storage. Read more 2. Due to changes in barometric pressure before storms and other meteorological events, researchers think arthritis is typically worse in the winter. Why is work a scalar and not a vector? - Physics Stack Exchange Nikola Tesla had planned to use scalar energy as a wave carrier for telecommunications, for example, the radio. This energy field tends to fill in itself and doesnt radiate like a waveform, but rather expands in circles of energy. In other words, wearing The scalar energized Power Pendant can protect your DNA from damage. Our nervous system is very sensitive to EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies) from the environment. cellular level. The water will be nano-clustered, making it bio-active and energized. Strengthen Your Health with Scalar Energy Healing Service IS RADIATION From Your Cell Phone Making You Sick? To find out more information on scalar energy He believed that if scalar energy was correctly harnessed, it can have limitless possibilities. Scalar technology is the process of embedding scalar waves in a product (charging a product). Scalar Energy eliminates and nullifies the effects of man-made frequencies (60 cps) in the human body. The work done on a particle by a force, for example, is a . Keeping this cookie enabled helps us to improve our website. Scalar Energy eliminates and nullifies the effects of man-made frequencies (60 cps) in the human body. Buy on shop, (0.8 INCH) 360 EMF Protection Technology: Cell Phone, WiFi, Laptop. the basic component of most scalar energy tools is the mixture of organic and inorganic materials. waves in Miracle $39.97 $25.00 What is EESystem? | Energy Enhancement System . Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current. ), In the New Age community theres been much talk of the advantage of things like Tachyons, Radionics, and Pyramids, etc. energy, in physics, the capacity for doing work. Pyramid Energy | Viva En Solace Work, Energy and Power Forms of Energy Work and Energy Equations It is the resultant of the force applied ( F) and the amount of displacement ( d) and is articulated by the equation W = F.d Power describes the rate at which work is done. This is done by enhancing the natural defenses of the body against the harmful radiation coming from different industrial and household appliances surrounding us. A vector quantity has a direction and a magnitude, while a scalar has only a magnitude. I was the first to discover these rays and I naturally feel toward them as I would toward my own flesh and blood. Try it out! Gives great tips for working with Scalar Healing Technology like the Energy Enhancement System EESystem invented by Dr Sandra Rose Michael. Scalar waves are also able to Every human being, plant, animal is an energy creature and an integral part of the universe. Another researcher, Dr Glen Rein, found that it was shown to increase the growth of certain white blood cells, proving that this energy was indeed capable to positively improve the bodys immune response. The energy level of every single cell in the body is increased to the ideal 70 to 90 milivolt. The quality of water in the body is indeed critical. Scalar fields introduce energy, which restores this communication, exposing the diseased cells to the body's defenses. below a certain threshold. Surich Scalar Energy Saver Sticker is a Japanese Anti-Radiation Technology containing multiple layers of special piezoelectric materials like Morganite, Tourmaline, Ceramin and Germanium. by Bruce A. Perreault Brooklyn Eagle July 10, 1932 Nikola Tesla states: I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device.Cosmic ray investigation is a subject that is very close to me. In summary, this is how the words are typically used: Scalar typically refers to a single element of a number field (or a single element per point in space), such as a real number (which can be positive or negative) or even a complex number (this is common in the context of quantum physics). Quantum science and energy are different names for comparable goods. A scalar wave has no time varying 8 field. Digestion is only a slow kind of burning that creates energy for your body to live on. Scalar energy is an longitudinal energy that, unlike transverse 3-dimensional energy (up/down, right/left, back/front) it modulates in the direction it is going, accordion-like, along the axis of time, the 4th dimension. Utilizing The rise of consumer electronics and the fast growth in technology has brought about significant health concerns that are now more prevalent. Definitely not, say scientists. To learn more about these EMF shielding devices, please visit our shop. Buy on Interested in how to create the latter? Quick View padding: 64px 0px 34px 5px; . Scalar energy is a positive energy source that can help the human body by making use of scalar technology. Balances holographic discs. Scalar Pendant - Scalar Wave - Nikola Tesla - Scalar Energy _ how does Join thousands who have received relief from: Headaches Skin problems Viral infections Herpes Bacterial infections Fungal or Protozoan infections Parasites They are non-hertz and non-linear. Scalar energy thus makes way for healing devices that do not require drugs, machines or chemicals. by admin | Sep 15, 2015 | Mind Machines, Mind Power. 2023 Miracle Balance. Scalar healing involves the use of quantum scalar energy pendants to achieve healing benefits in the human body. Tom explains transmutation: It passesits signature on solid things. The scalar energy pendant uses cosmic energy acknowledged by many scientists who claim it has positive effects on the body. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. He was able to power an automobile through transmitters receiving scalar energy waves and being transferred to the engine of the car. Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first so that we can save your preferences! However, the existence of Scalar Energy was proven by Nikola Tesla who worked on Maxwells findings. Were going to get quite abstract, for one final minute, before we start to simplify everything and bring all of it together. Scalar Energy and EMF - What You Need To Know - Blushield USA It will not be overly involved, and after every hard section, I ll summarize what you just read and tell you the essential points you need to recall. According to Tesla, Scalar Energy, or radiant energy, is a primal force in nature. Elite Shungite Bracelet EMF Protection and Shungite Necklace from Karelia What Is Scalar Energy - Scalar Light Buy on A distance, for example, could be represented by a numeral and a unit of measure, such as 150 . A: Scalar Transmutes Pathogens and more. Scalar Wave Technology - Token Rock $49.97 $29.97 All life is energy. Transverse waves, as the materially manifest motion of photons (a form of light), move at the speed of light. It absorbs heat energy and right away changing it into an 8-14 wavelength bio-vitality that can advance the sub-atomic exercises of water particles in real organs. it will have. When the mitochondrion cant produce energy then scalar energy can help to maintain energy levels for normal functioning of all the bodys organs. principles of scalar energy. All Rights Reserved. Scalar waves are another type of energy transfer. Unlike velocity, acceleration, force, and momentum, the kinetic energy of an object is completely described by magnitude alone. This encourages healing and the restoration of balance within the body. It is common to experience: SOUND AND DEEPER SLEEP A CALMING EFFECT INCREASED ENERGY AND VITALITY IMPROVED MENTAL CLARITY DECREASED INFLAMMATION IMPROVEMENT IN SKIN CONDITIONS AND SO MANY OTHER BENEFITS HOW DOES THIS TECHNOLOGY WORK? Spooky 2 Scalar has both a sender and receiver . It is stored energy ready and waiting to do something, but it's not moving or flowing as a current or wave. Hence, heat transferred may become thermal energy, while . There is an experiment on the internet that makers of orgone products use to capture the energy in the water by freezing it. Besides, a scalar energy pendant can also help balance our chakra, which assists us to heal faster. We wouldnt be able to talk, touch, see, taste or hear without this connection. Embedding Scalar Energy inPhysical Constructs. The mitochondrion is responsible for the production of energy in the cells for optimal functioning of the bodys organs. Every single cell/ organ system in any living thing is encompassed and surrounded by its own individual morphogenetic field encryption pattern. $39.97 $25.00 Our muscles are powered by chemical energy. to relieve stiffness or soreness. James Clark Maxwell developed quantum physics. Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. We are likewise going to learn how fixing energy frequencies are transferred from the goods you ingest into each and every cell of your body with deep consequences for your general well-being. It passes itself onto items or things put adjacent. Extra power can be generated by pulsing the wire with a low ampere electric current. I decided to try the experiment for myself, and like all of my . Remove immediately if you feel discomfort or skin rash occurs and increase intake of non-fluoride, -mV water. Improve immune function as proven in laboratory studies. Just as a small reference, H refers to the magnetic field. How to Use Scalar Energy to Aid in Physical and Mental HealingAt Atlantis Scalar, we are experts at treating chronic arthritis pain, SAD, anxiety, depression, and a host of other winter-related health conditions. Cleanses the blood, improving chylomicron (protein/fat particles floating in the blood . efficiency. How Can a Scalar Energy Pendant Benefit me? neurotransmitters, acting as a natural antidepressant for the brain. 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The Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Scalar energy has been shown to have many healing properties. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. All Rights Reserved. Blood pressure is also regulated. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. This store requires javascript to be enabled for some features to work correctly. True Scalar - The Advanced Scalar Device for Every Home If you have been taking drugs or chemicals you will likely experience a detoxification effect (increase urination and/or body odor). Jacobs, found that scalar energies affect the living organism. Spooky2 Scalar is the first scalar treatment device to provide three different methods of transmitting healing scalar waves: pure scalar, molecular scalar and Rife scalar. . Typically, scalar waves are different from regular hertzian waves. AND HOW TO AVOID THEM . Scalar energy products' producers assert that they are formed of volcanic elements or other minerals and tout various health advantages, including increased blood flow, stamina, and flexibility. Energy | Definition, Types, Examples, & Facts | Britannica These negative ions help to neutralize the positive ions in our body. Bio energy is within us and all around us. These coils when fired into each other produce the Scalar Energy. A bioconductive process, Scalar Energy is produced to enhance the field of biological activity in the body. -46% December 3, 2022, Does Earthing Kit Provide Any Real Health Benefits? We use Blushield as a link to this imagined sustainable future, to protect our health and ride through this present time where chronic illness is increasing at alarming rates, much of it seeming to be linked to harmful EMFs. A Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse can be administered to . By improving cell permeability, scalar energy facilitates the intake of different nutrients into the cell while also helping to remove a wide range of toxic substances. The energy stored inside the capacitor is electrostatic, which we can think of as potential energy. Energy is nether creatednor destroyed; it simply is. Due to Nikola Teslas great work in scalar energy for the transfer of energy, he is considered as scalar electromagnetic father. Scalar Energy Exists in the Body. Buy on The quantum scalar energy pendants tend to reflect and concentrate our healing energy back into the body. Assists in reducing inflammation in the body. With this, it gives the bodys necessary metabolic capacities. To prove scalar energy existed, Tesla experimented with abrupt discharges of electrostatic potentials, which released scalar energy from the vacuum of space also known as the "ether". The Scalar Energy Pendant can help to restore the bodys harmonies regulating the homeostasis of the body. Molecular Scalar Shortly put, optimize your energy to optimize your health. Scalar Waves For Healing (2022 Guide) | Scalar Therapy Scalar Soul Session Intentional Self Healing Journal: "I am unified in Curious? They even seem different like an infinitely projected mobius pattern on axis. The Scalar Qi is a true Scalar device, generating a Zero Point Field by utilizing two Tesla coils inside of it. This and other Scalar Technologies when used to assist humanity with healing unified field space allows the body to do what it knows how to do which is be balanced and heal thy self. We are colliding photons and creating photonic fusion like a photonic nuclear fusion type event. Shungite EMF Protection Cell Phone Sticker. Physics for Kids: Scalars and Vectors - Ducksters increase in your daily energy levels. It repairs itself after troublesome introduction to X-beams. December 4, 2022, Non-Bluetooth Fitness Tracker It also: Want to know more Negative Ion Bracelet benefits? This also has significant consequences for the body. Newer post . First, a Brief Lesson in Scalar Energy. EMFs Deplete Melatonin, and Protective Effects of Melatonin from EMF Harm, Tips for Air Travel & Road Trips with Blushield, All About Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome, clean, free energy technology to replace coal and oil fuel sources, the ability to transmute elements, including radioactive waste into inert substance, harnessing gravitic forces to create anti-gravity aircraft for space travel, using scalar carrier waves to deliver perfect DNA information to stimulate physical healing from any illness. Albert Einstein, who during the 1920s wrote some papers referring to scalar field also acknowledged the existence of scalar energy. Aside from this, it is believed to have limitless possibilities. (0.8 INCH) 360 EMF Protection Technology: Cell Phone, WiFi, Laptop. Monday - Friday: 9-5 CSTSaturday & Sunday: CLOSED, Blushield Global USAPO Box 28130Gladstone MO 64188USA, Scalar Energy and EMF - What You Need To Know, You can read more on why you can't block EMF here. Buy on If the frequency is transmitted all through the body, it can help the cells in our body achieve a resonance which is important to optimum health. Increase overall body energy levels as a result of increasing cellular energy for trillions cells. These guidelines are solely for educational and informational purposes. Negative Ion Generator, Elite Shungite Bracelet EMF Protection and Shungite Necklace from Karelia, Shungite EMF Protection Cell Phone Sticker. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission is strictly prohibited. Remove immediately if you feel discomfort or skin rash occurs and increase intake of non-fluoride, -mV water. Mbdisc are not intended to be used in the cure, treatment or prevention of disease in man or animals. Most of the other symbols are Greek letters like epsilon and delta. How Does Scalar Energy Work? - Going Scalar Don't worry. We have seen the millivoltage in the cells. We are available from monday to friday to answer your questions. Scalar Weapons: Tesla's Doomsday Machine? - Skeptoid Scalar Energys circular and expansive movement provides a field of protective shield around our body. Other quantities, such as force and velocity, have both magnitude and direction and are called vectors. It can counterbalance the hurtful impacts of 60 cycle streams as we have in homes and structures, electromagnetic fields, radiation, and microwaves. For example, if your EMF meter picks up 100 milligauss, this is just a reading of the transverse wave that emits a measurable frequency, and the invisible scalar component will be equivalent in power to 500 milligauss! This is unsustainable, especially as technology becomes more prevalent and takes up ever increasing space in peoples lives.